XCH Dev Faucet

On Saturday, December 9th 2023 the payout amount changed to 2 TXCH per request.
For now you can make 1 request per day. One way to help is to donate back
any remaining TXCH you have after you've finished testing. --Steve



Developers & NFT Creators, grab some TXCH to use while you work on cool stuff.
You can get TXCH once a day.

New: curl -s https://xchdev.com/faucet/index.php?address=YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS

Faucet Wallet Balance

499980.1372938672 txch
499980137293867200 mojo


If you have TXCH you are willing to give to a developer to use while building new cool stuff. Here is the address of the faucet wallet for donations:

This faucet is for TESTNET only. Only send TXCH from a TESTNET wallet.

You can use the GUI or here is How to send some TXCH from the CLI

chia wallet send -f your_fingerprint -i wallet_id -a your_amount -e "your_memo" -m 0.000000000001 -t send_to_address -o

Thank You • Thank you for your generosity and support of the Chia community.
Join the XCH Dev Discord for support with this Testnet faucet.